Re: [thredds] content/thredds permissions using repo tomcat

Hi Ethan

So I did fix the problem, and the fix seems to be a bit obscure. I ended up creating the content directory by hand and linking it in /usr/share/tomcat5. But the obscure part is it turns out you have to put the content dir in a particular place, namely


I'm not sure why it cares so much, but it has something to do with the fact that the attempt to create/find the content directory is actually looking for


instead of /usr/share/tomcat5/content

Can you please ensure that this resolution finds it's way into the appropriate archive.

Thanks again

On 3/7/11 4:18 PM, Ethan Davis wrote:
Hi Howard,

On 3/7/2011 1:13 PM, Howard wrote:
Hi Ethan

I found this thread on the mailing list archive, but I don't know how to
reply. So please forgive the direct question.
No problem and I'm going to CC the thredds list so it is archived and
searchable ...

The part that I am interested in is this part:

#2, what does your deployment descriptor (web.xml) file specify for
the "unpackwars" attribute? Is it true (the default) or false? If it
is true, it's possible you're having the same issue as with the Red
Hat-provided Tomcat: that there are a passel of symlinks between
various /var/lib/tomcat dirs and /usr/share/tomcat dirs, and when you
drop the Tomcat WAR file into the /webapps directory, the THREDDS
servlet cannot construct the proper /content/thredds directories. If
this is the case, change this attribute to false, and re-deploy the
servlet and see if you get this error.
I am trying to use the Redhat provided Tomcat to deploy thredds and I am
having the same issue as the original poster.  Was there ever a
resolution for this other than not unpacking the war (which at the time
of the message (didn't work)? I tried creating the content directory by
hand as the user tomcat.  No luck. Any ideas?
My understanding is that the RedHat provided Tomcat uses symbolic links
in a number of places and your content/thredds directory needs to be
linked in a similar manner. Here's a quote from another email to the
thredds list:

   "3) Then I had to ensure new directory for THREDDS
    was created (/var/lib/tomcat5/content/), with
    ownership and permissions for theTomcat user,
    symlinked from /usr/share/tomcat5/content."

There might be more of interest to you in the email so here's the link:

Hope that helps,



Howard Lander<mailto:howard@xxxxxxxxx>
Senior Research Software Developer
Renaissance Computing Institute (RENCI)<>
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Duke University
North Carolina State University

Howard Lander <mailto:howard@xxxxxxxxx>
Senior Research Software Developer
Renaissance Computing Institute (RENCI) <>
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Duke University
North Carolina State University
100 Europa Drive
Suite 540
Chapel Hill, NC 27517
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