Re: [thredds] content/thredds permissions using repo tomcat

Hi Howard,

Glad you got it fixed.

That sounds like the right solution. I believe (but don't have a RHEL
machine handy to double check) that Tomcat is installed in
/var/lib/tomcat5. There are links in /usr/share/tomcat5 to each of the
subdirectories (bin, conf, webapps, etc). And Tomcat is started with a
call to /usr/share/tomcat5/bin.

At some point the TDS de-references the webapps symbolic link (with a
call to File.getCanonicalFile()) and tries to access the content/thredds
directory in /var/lib/tomcat5/content. It is at this point that this
problem occurs:

> Mar 12, 2009 10:36:22 PM org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationContext log 
> SEVERE: StandardWrapper.Throwable
> access denied ( 
> /var/lib/tomcat6/content/thredds/logs read)
>     at 
>     ...

I think the TDS could handle these directory paths more carefully and
not run into this problem. I'm going to add this issue to our toDo list.

Thanks for reporting,


On 3/7/2011 3:01 PM, Howard wrote:
> Hi Ethan
> So I did fix the problem, and the fix seems to be a bit obscure.  I
> ended up creating the content directory by hand and linking it in
> /usr/share/tomcat5.  But the obscure part is it turns out you have to
> put the content dir in a particular place, namely
> /var/lib/tomcat5/content
> I'm not sure why it cares so much, but it has something to do with the
> fact that the attempt to create/find the content directory is actually
> looking for
> /usr/share/tomcat5/webapps/thredds/../../content/thredds
> instead of /usr/share/tomcat5/content
> Can you please ensure that this resolution finds it's way into the
> appropriate archive.
> Thanks again
> Howard
> On 3/7/11 4:18 PM, Ethan Davis wrote:
>> Hi Howard,
>> On 3/7/2011 1:13 PM, Howard wrote:
>>> Hi Ethan
>>> I found this thread on the mailing list archive, but I don't know how to
>>> reply. So please forgive the direct question.
>> No problem and I'm going to CC the thredds list so it is archived and
>> searchable ...
>>> The part that I am interested in is this part:
>>>> #2, what does your deployment descriptor (web.xml) file specify for
>>>> the "unpackwars" attribute? Is it true (the default) or false? If it
>>>> is true, it's possible you're having the same issue as with the Red
>>>> Hat-provided Tomcat: that there are a passel of symlinks between
>>>> various /var/lib/tomcat dirs and /usr/share/tomcat dirs, and when you
>>>> drop the Tomcat WAR file into the /webapps directory, the THREDDS
>>>> servlet cannot construct the proper /content/thredds directories. If
>>>> this is the case, change this attribute to false, and re-deploy the
>>>> servlet and see if you get this error.
>>> I am trying to use the Redhat provided Tomcat to deploy thredds and I am
>>> having the same issue as the original poster.  Was there ever a
>>> resolution for this other than not unpacking the war (which at the time
>>> of the message (didn't work)? I tried creating the content directory by
>>> hand as the user tomcat.  No luck. Any ideas?
>> My understanding is that the RedHat provided Tomcat uses symbolic links
>> in a number of places and your content/thredds directory needs to be
>> linked in a similar manner. Here's a quote from another email to the
>> thredds list:
>>   "3) Then I had to ensure new directory for THREDDS
>>    was created (/var/lib/tomcat5/content/), with
>>    ownership and permissions for theTomcat user,
>>    symlinked from /usr/share/tomcat5/content."
>> There might be more of interest to you in the email so here's the link:
>> Hope that helps,
>> Ethan
>>> Thanks
>>> Howard
>>> -- 
>>> Howard Lander <mailto:howard@xxxxxxxxx>
>>> Senior Research Software Developer
>>> Renaissance Computing Institute (RENCI) <>
>>> The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
>>> Duke University
>>> North Carolina State University
> -- 
> Howard Lander <mailto:howard@xxxxxxxxx>
> Senior Research Software Developer
> Renaissance Computing Institute (RENCI) <>
> The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
> Duke University
> North Carolina State University
> 100 Europa Drive
> Suite 540
> Chapel Hill, NC 27517
> 919-445-9651

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