Hallo Kristian,
Thanks for your reply but this page I has already seen. I adapted this
to my local ldap server access but it doesn't work.
BTW on my tomcat host I can use 'ldapsearch ...' from command line
successfully but via tomcat I never got logged in successfully both with
(hopefully) the same parameters.
Any additional ideas on that especially how to check the response from
the ldap server in tomcat?
Thanks for help
Am 09.07.2012 15:51, schrieb Kristian Sebastián:
Hi Hans,
I you want LDAP authentication to manage remotely the TDS you must
configure the tomcat LDAP authentication. You can configure it following
the tutorial
After, you have to add the group called manager in the LDAP server and
add the THREDDS user administrators to the group. The group must be of
Good luck!
On 9 July 2012 10:07, Hans Ramthun <ramthun@xxxxxxx
<mailto:ramthun@xxxxxxx>> wrote:
Is there any detailed description how to use LDAP authentication
with thredds data server in a tomcat web service container?
Thanks for any hints.
Hans Ramthun
Tel.: +49 (0)40 460 094 - 112
Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum - DKRZ
Abteilung Datenmanagement http://www.dkrz.de/
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„Only he who knows his destination finds the way.“ (Laozi)
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Hans Ramthun
Tel.: +49 (0)40 460 094 - 112
Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum - DKRZ
Abteilung Datenmanagement http://www.dkrz.de/
Bundesstr. 45a
D-20146 Hamburg Germany
„Only he who knows his destination finds the way.“ (Laozi)