Re: [thredds] nothing happens when trying to extract subset of HYCOM data


You can use the NetCDF library with opendap capabilities:

more exactly the nccopy tool:

which can be used to copy the remote data to a local file. The nccopy will download the whole dataset in small sets based on the buffer parameter:

For example,
nccopy -k 4 -d 9 -s -u

will download the 346863.0 Mbytes to a local NetCDF file named (please look the doc, dfor the meaning of the -k, -d and -s flags)

If you want to download just a subset of the whole dataset, you can you use the subset form:

make all your selectiosn for the subsetting and use the resulting "Data URL" as the "infile" argument for the nccopy command.

I hope this helps



Antonio S. Cofiño
Grupo de Meteorología de Santander
Dep. de Matemática Aplicada y
        Ciencias de la Computación
Universidad de Cantabria

El 21/06/2013 1:33, Harper Simmons escribió:

Thanks Michael.

I was helped by John Maurer and made some progress on a smaller extraction that I needed to perform. Unfortunately when trying to perform an extraction for a larger area, probably amounting to several GB, I ran into what John M. identified as a 500MB limit on the opendap back end.

I am trying to learn do construct my extraction with matlab 2012b since limiting my queries to 500MB per query is proving to be too time intensive to accomplish interactively. I was hoping that matlab's scripting capabilities would make this painless.

I have never used DoDs or opendap with matlab before but this far I am also finding this to be extremely slow (45 minutes to extract just the latitude data or just the longitude data). Would using the URL below possibly work better for this?


On Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 3:25 PM, Michael McDonald <mcdonald@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:mcdonald@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

    This is a server-side problem we are working on.
    If you switch the URL over to one of our new test servers it will
    work, e.g.,

    We will be making " <>" into a
    load balance DNS-RR name
    soon once we've verified that the new THREDDS servers are running


    On Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 1:28 PM, Harper Simmons
    <hlsimmons@xxxxxxxxxx <mailto:hlsimmons@xxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
    > Dear Thredds,
    > I am trying to extract a portion of the South China Sea over the
    time period
    > from April 1 to June 1 of this year and the data extraction
    hangs for 10+
    > minutes and then times out. I have tried smaller quieries
    (smaller areas,
    > less time) and have tried initiating from various machines and
    browsers. I
    > expect it is a server side problem rather than client side.
    > I have tried this both with single parameters (uvel) and
    multiple parameters
    > as I would like all of the 3D model state variables and 2D
    forcing data.
    > I am asking for the bounding box
    > N = 24, S = 16, W = 116, E = 124
    > Starting time = 2013-04-01T00:00:00Z
    > Ending time = 2013-06-01T00:00:00Z
    > Any help would be much appreciated
    > Harper
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