Re: [thredds] Redundancy

On Wed, Jan 13, 2016 at 4:49 PM, dmh@xxxxxxxx <dmh@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Jeff, good idea; these could do the actual data copying.
> We would also need to update the thredds catalogs,
> so we probably need some kind of additional event notification.

BitTorrent Sync could facilitate both of these needs (data sync & catalog sync).

We has been experimenting with the btsync linux client on our DNS-RR servers to (try to) keep our 200+ file Aggregation cache
in sync (/usr/share/tomcat/content/thredds/cache/agg). You could have
a share for the catalogs, a share for the data, and a share for the
cache (if needed) all managed via one program.

However, we actually use puppet to push out our catalogs so that we
can have the tomcat service restarted when an update/change is made to
any of the catalogs (on the puppet master).

Michael McDonald
Florida State University

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