Hi all. I try to run Test68.java and the following error has been occurred.
Can anyone tell me what actually went wrong and how should I fix it. I'm
running the program in Windows95 and the Server Display is Ok.
Creating Java3D display...Unable to create the SocketSlaveDisplay:
java.net.SocketException: Option unsupported by protocol: create
at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.socketCreate(Native Method)
at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.create(PlainSocketImpl.java:70)
at java.net.ServerSocket.<init>(ServerSocket.java:166)
at java.net.ServerSocket.<init>(ServerSocket.java:82)
at visad.SocketSlaveDisplay.<init>(SocketSlaveDisplay.java:308)
at visad.SocketSlaveDisplay.<init>(SocketSlaveDisplay.java:298)
at Test68.setupServerData(Test68.java:128)
at TestSkeleton.startThreads(TestSkeleton.java:349)
at TestSkeleton.<init>(TestSkeleton.java:54)
at UISkeleton.<init>(UISkeleton.java:47)
at Test68.<init>(Test68.java:25)
at Test68.main(Test68.java:166)
By the way, I can't find the "socket_applet.html" in the example. May I know
where can I get that HTML file? Thanks a lot guys.
Have a cool VisAD Day....