Re: Mesh

Hi Sylvian,

> I'm sure you're right but I don't know how to use the Delaunay Custom...
> I've got the points (a float[3][Nb of samples]) and the tetrahedrons
> (int [Nb of tetra][4]). I use the DelaunayCustom constructor with that
> datas and use an Irregular3DSet(RealTupleTyple, points, null, null,
> null, delaunay).
> I can see the points put they are not connected !
> So my question is : how can I connecte this points to see the tetrahedra
> ???

There is an example of doing this in the visad.Delaunay.main()
method, starting at line 955. Basically you have to extract
the edges and triangles arrays from the DelaunayCustom and
use them to construct a UnionSet of Gridded3DSets with manifold
dimension = 1.

Good luck,

> "From: Bill Hibbard " wrote:
> > 
> > Hi Sylvian,
> > 
> > > Is there anybody who knows  how to display a mesh already existant
> > > (DelaunayCustom...) ?
> > > I already try to applicate the method used in but it takes
> > > too much memory and too much time...
> > > I have models with hundreds of tetrahedrons (and more )...
> > 
> > The memory and time for hundreds of tetrahedra will be very small
> > (KBs or at worst 100KBs) compared to the memory and time for the
> > JVM itself and a Swing GUI (many MBs). What does take time is a
> > triangulation, but this is not necessary with DelaunayCustom and
> > as you say an existing mesh.
> > 
> > Cheers,
> > Bill

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