Re: Gridded2DSet

Hi Don,

I got the ((lat,lon) -> value) method to work, but the output looks very "blocky" even with "high resolution". Please see:

Is there a way to make this smoother? Better yet, could I contour the outter edge and fill in that countour?

Below is part of the code that I used to perform the ((lat,lon) -> value)


    Gridded2DSet gridSet = (Gridded2DSet) terrainData_FF.getDomainSet();

    float[] lonFloat = new float[lonVect.size()];
    float[] latFloat = new float[latVect.size()];
    float[][] apFloat = new float[1][gridSet.getLength()];

    if (lonVect.size() != latVect.size())
      System.out.println("LatLon sampling error.  No AP map available");
      return null;

    for (int e = 0; e < lonVect.size(); e++)
      Real ln = (Real) lonVect.get(e);
      Real lt = (Real) latVect.get(e);
      lonFloat[e] = (float) ln.getValue();
      latFloat[e] = (float) lt.getValue();

    float[][] apLonLat = {lonFloat, latFloat};
    int[] valueIndicies = gridSet.valueToIndex(apLonLat);
    double[][] apDoubles = new double[1][valueIndicies.length];

    RealTupleType apLonLat_rtt = new RealTupleType(lon, lat);
    RealType value = RealType.getRealType("value");
    FunctionType ap_func = new FunctionType(apLonLat_rtt, value);

    FlatField apFF = new FlatField(ap_func, gridSet);

    // First set all the range values to NaN
    for (int g = 0; g < apFloat[0].length; g++)
    { apFloat[0][g] = Float.NaN; }

    // Now set specific range values
    for (int g = 0; g < apDoubles[0].length; g++)
    { apDoubles[0][g] = 14000.0; }
    apFF.setSamples(valueIndicies, apDoubles);

    return apFF;




Don Murray wrote:

Which method did you use - the (index -> (lat,lon)) or the
(lat,lon) -> value)?  I would think that the latter would
give you what you want, but if that's what you are using, then
I'm not sure what' going on.

Kevin L. Manross        [KD5MYD]               (405)-366-0557
CIMMS Research Associate               kevin.manross@xxxxxxxx

"My opinions are my own and not representative of CIMMS, NSSL,
 NOAA or any affiliates"

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