Re: Gridded2DSet


Kevin Manross wrote:

I got the ((lat,lon) -> value) method to work, but the output looks very "blocky" even with "high resolution". Please see:

Is there a way to make this smoother? Better yet, could I contour the outter edge and fill in that countour?

Did you try mapping value to IsoContour and setting it to color fill?
Since all your values are the same, it might not contour too well.

Below is part of the code that I used to perform the ((lat,lon) -> value)


    Gridded2DSet gridSet = (Gridded2DSet) terrainData_FF.getDomainSet();

    float[] lonFloat = new float[lonVect.size()];
    float[] latFloat = new float[latVect.size()];
    float[][] apFloat = new float[1][gridSet.getLength()];

    if (lonVect.size() != latVect.size())
      System.out.println("LatLon sampling error.  No AP map available");
      return null;

    for (int e = 0; e < lonVect.size(); e++)
      Real ln = (Real) lonVect.get(e);
      Real lt = (Real) latVect.get(e);
      lonFloat[e] = (float) ln.getValue();
      latFloat[e] = (float) lt.getValue();

    float[][] apLonLat = {lonFloat, latFloat};
    int[] valueIndicies = gridSet.valueToIndex(apLonLat);
    double[][] apDoubles = new double[1][valueIndicies.length];

    RealTupleType apLonLat_rtt = new RealTupleType(lon, lat);
    RealType value = RealType.getRealType("value");
    FunctionType ap_func = new FunctionType(apLonLat_rtt, value);

    FlatField apFF = new FlatField(ap_func, gridSet);

    // First set all the range values to NaN
    for (int g = 0; g < apFloat[0].length; g++)
    { apFloat[0][g] = Float.NaN; }

    // Now set specific range values
    for (int g = 0; g < apDoubles[0].length; g++)
    { apDoubles[0][g] = 14000.0; }
    apFF.setSamples(valueIndicies, apDoubles);

    return apFF;



Just a couple of suggestions.  I would create just one array
with NaN's and values:

 float[][] apFloat = new float[1][gridSet.getLength()];
 Arrays.fill(apFloat[0], Float.NaN);
 for (int i = 0; i < indices.length; i++) {
      apFloat[0][valueIndices[i]] = 14000.f;
 apFF.setSamples(apFloats, false);

When you call setSamples, use the signature that allows the
copy flag.  Setting that to false will keep FlatField from
making a defensive copy of the data.  Since you won't be
modifying apFloat, it's not an issue if no copy is done.

To decrease your blockiness, try adding a ConstantMap to
CurvedSize to your DataReference with a value < ten (min of
1).  You'll need the latest visad.jar to do that, otherwise
use GraphicsModeControl.setCurvedSize() for previous versions
(which will affect all texture displays).  You'll probably
have to experiment with the value.  You could also
try using for a quicker rendering
and it also seems to handle texturing better.  Or, turn
TextureEnable off (ConstantMap or trhough GraphicsModeControl)
and see what effect that has.

Good luck.

Don Murray                               UCAR Unidata Program
dmurray@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                        P.O. Box 3000
(303) 497-8628                              Boulder, CO 80307

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