Re: [visad] Strange rendering depending on axis range

Hi Tom,

I was experimenting with your source, and discovered this:

                        double xMin = 1.0;
                        double xMax = 1.0007;
                        double yMin = 0.0;
                        double yMax = 100.0;
                        int xRes = 1000;
                        int yRes = 10;

formally setting the ranges to decimal values fixes the problem for me.

We are visualizing mass spectrometry data, and if the user wants to plot a 
single mass signal, we need to visualize a narrow range of m/z values, such as 
179.0551 ~ 179.0558.

1.0  to 1.00007  did not work, I think this can be expected.

Hmm, why this can be expected?


Tomáš Pluskal
G0 Cell Unit, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University
1919-1 Tancha, Onna-son, Okinawa 904-0495, Japan
TEL: +81-98-966-8684
Fax: +81-98-966-2890

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