Hello Julien,
sorry for the slow reply; I had subscribed to the daily digest, and didn't
realise it contained a response.
Looking at it again now, can see
that http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/tech/index-jsp-138252.html contains
links to Java3D downloads. The latest version on this page is 1.5.1, and I
would have taken the java3d-1_5_1-windows-amd64.exe binary had I known...
...but, this is not the path I took. Instead, I followed the link from the
JavaSE technologies page
at http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/tech/index.html to http://java.net/projects/java3d,
downloaded the source, compiled it with the Java1.7 compiler, then faced
problems at runtime with "j3dcore-ogl.dll" not being found. After that, I
downloaded the jogl source from http://java.net/projects/jogl ;(the page
mentions this is an inactive project), and was about to start compiling it,
when I came across some pre-built Java3D binaries
at http://download.java.net/media/java3d/builds/release/, and
downloaded j3d-1_5_2-windows-amd64.exe. That fixed the problem, and I was able
to run the visad/examples.
What does this mean for the future of Java3D. Have Oracle lost interest ? I've
been out of the Java environment for a number of years, so wasn't aware of
these changes...
Date: Mon, 08 Oct 2012 09:54:44 -0600
From: Julien Chastang <chastang@xxxxxxxx>
To: visad@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [visad] VisAD with Java 1.7 on Windows 7
Message-ID: <5072F744.6080109@xxxxxxxx>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"; Format="flowed"
Thanks for the update. Can you give some details about how you did
this? I have been looking closely into this issue myself. As far as I
understand, Java 3D has been taken over by the open source community
(1.6 is out, https://github.com/hharrison). Once JOGL 2.0 is final, we
should see Java 3D working on Java 7 on all platform. (Java 3D is dead.
Long live Java 3D.)
See here for details:
The JOGL forums are another good source of information:
On 10/8/12 4:58 AM, Jim Koutsovasilis wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am re-visiting some visad concepts/ideas, and have managed to get
> the source/examples compiling with Java 1.7 on a Windows 7 notebook.
> So far, so good, though I was caught out by the Java3D dynamic link
> libraries (took a few hours to solve this).
> Regards,
> JimK.