i tried the example from Don Murray for Logarithmic Axis
and i think i found the bug why auto scaling is not working.
First, in LogCoordinateSystem.toReference(vales):
there is no validation if log value can be calculated (no "0"
checking, so log(0) results in -INFINITE). I changed the line
logValues[i][j] = Math.log(values[i][j])/Math.log(base);
logValues[i][j] =(values[i][j]==0)?0:
The next possible bug is in FlatField.computeRanges(ShadowType type,
DataShadow shadow) line 54318.
If i comment out the range component mapping, ( if (!any_mapped) return
shadow), line 5322)
it works (Log Axis with auto scaling). The problem is, that the
rangeComponent has the RealType "Values", not "LogValues", so the
Display Indices is set to -1;
I have no idea if the modification has some side effects (I could not
find any unit test), but for my use case it works.
Is there a any kind of bug tracker?
Thanks a lot for this great library,
Stefan Below