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[netCDF #CDZ-957605]: Floating point exception, netcdf-fortran 4.6.1

Hi Dave,

I've been out of the office on PTO, and have just returned.  Thanks for your 
patience, let me take a look and see if I can figure out what is going on with 


> Hello netCDF support.  This simple fortran demo crashes on nf90_open with
> floating point exception, when FPE is enabled on the compile line.  See
> below, *"-ffpe-trap=invalid"*.  I can reproduce on both Mac and Linux
> systems.  Netcdf = 4.9.2, netcdf-fortran = 4.6.1.  Mac libraries built by
> Macports, Linux built by Spack I think.  Have you seen this?  What is wrong?
> [Dave.Allured@hfe12 fpe]$ cat test2.fpe.f90
> program test
> use netcdf
> implicit none
> character infile*80
> integer file_mode, ncid, status
> call get_command_argument (1, infile)
> print *, 'Open file: ' // trim (infile)
> file_mode = nf90_nowrite
> status = nf90_open (infile, file_mode, ncid)
> print *, '  status = ', status
> print *, '  ncid   = ', ncid
> status = nf90_close (ncid)
> end program test
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [Dave.Allured@hfe12 fpe]$ ncdump -h tmp2m.nc
> netcdf tmp2m {
> dimensions:
> site = 10 ;
> hour = 24 ;
> day = 4 ;
> variables:
> float tmp2m(site, hour, day) ;
> tmp2m:missing_value = -9999.f ;
> tmp2m:actual_range = 241.6885f, 320.8028f ;
> // global attributes:
> :title = "Obs and model input data" ;
> :history = "Thu Jul 18 11:23:59 2024: ncks -d site,0,9 -d hour,0,23 -d
> day,0,3 -v tmp2m noaa_input.c84x.pm2.5.2023.AMJ.nc tmp2m.nc\n",
> "Wed Apr 17 23:08:44 2024: Make original NetCDF file.\n",
> "NetCDF writer subroutine: netwrite3.f90 v3.19.1\n",
> "NetCDF library: 4.7.0 of Mar 19 2024 15:11:32 $\n",
> "Created by write_input_arrays.f90." ;
> :NCO = "netCDF Operators version 5.2.1 (Homepage = http://nco.sf.net, Code
> = http://github.com/nco/nco, Citation = 10.1016/j.envsoft.2008.03.004)" ;
> }
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [Dave.Allured@hfe12 fpe]$ gfortran -g -Wall -ffpe-trap=invalid \
> -I/apps/netcdf/4.9.2/gnu-13.2.0/include \
> -L/apps/netcdf/4.9.2/gnu-13.2.0/lib -lnetcdff test2.fpe.f90
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [Dave.Allured@hfe12 fpe]$ ./a.out tmp2m.nc
> Open file: tmp2m.nc
> Program received signal SIGFPE: Floating-point exception - erroneous
> arithmetic operation.
> Backtrace for this error:
> #0  0x7f9417391b4f in ???
> #1  0x7f94163b1560 in ???
> #2  0x7f941632cc05 in ???
> #3  0x7f94163d0852 in ???
> #4  0x7f9416106322 in ???
> #5  0x7f94161a4184 in ???
> #6  0x7f9416ffd73e in ???
> #7  0x7f9417006030 in ???
> #8  0x7f9416fb491d in ???
> #9  0x7f9416fb79d8 in ???
> #10  0x7f9416fb7b33 in ???
> #11  0x7f94181978d9 in nf_open_
> at
> /tmp/role.apps/spack-stage/spack-stage-netcdf-fortran-4.6.1-7v3vc4fyter77yk3oqdla6alifyjfqyq/spack-src/fortran/nf_control.F90:189
> #12  0x7f941820d535 in __netcdf_MOD_nf90_open
> at
> /tmp/role.apps/spack-stage/spack-stage-netcdf-fortran-4.6.1-7v3vc4fyter77yk3oqdla6alifyjfqyq/spack-src/fortran/netcdf4_file.F90:64
> #13  0x400c91 in test
> at /home/Dave.Allured/test/gfortran/fpe/test2.fpe.f90:12
> #14  0x400de2 in main
> at /home/Dave.Allured/test/gfortran/fpe/test2.fpe.f90:2
> Floating exception (core dumped)

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: CDZ-957605
Department: Support netCDF
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
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