19 August 2011
07 June 2011
Indexes vs. indexes. Gray's third requirement:
[Read More]3. Intelligent indexes: for efficiently subsetting and filtering the data.
04 June 2011
Gray's second desiderata gloria scientia:
[Read More]2. Schema language: powerful data definition tools allow one to specify the abstract data formats and to specify how the data is organized.
Whats wrong with Fortran unformatted writes?
23 May 2011
Talking about the first of Gray's criteria for scalable Scientific Data Management Systems:
[Read More]1. Data independence: the physical data organization can change without breaking existing applications
What can we learn from Relational Databases?
16 May 2011
How do we scale up to petabyte datasets? Lessons from the adult in the room, relational databases.
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