The Integrated Data Viewer (IDV) version 3.0b1 is a new major version of the IDV. This is a beta version release.
[Read More]01 July 2011
The Integrated Data Viewer (IDV) version 3.0b1 is a new major version of the IDV. This is a beta version release.
[Read More]July 2011 Status Update: NAWIPS Migration to AWIPS II
01 July 2011
According to NCEP Central Operations (NCO) Chief of Systems Integration Michelle Mainelli, in the month of June, NCEP Central Operations, NWS/Office of Science and Technology, and Raytheon Technical Services successfully established a data flow connection between NCEP's Central Computing System and NCEP's Primary Data Flow Server in our AWIPS II Testbed (NTBN) located in the Camp Springs, MD World Weather Building.
"The purpose of this direct connection is to ensure the timely arrival of model, satellite, and observational data to our AWIPS II system," says Mainelli. "The GFS, NAM, and RUC operational model data (in GRIB2 format) are now automatically being sent to NTBN. In order to optimize processing and registration to the database, it was necessary re-write the National Center Perspective (NCP) GRIB decoder."
Testing and refining the GRIB decoder to ensure efficient data processing will continue into early July, says Mainelli.