Unidata Python Mailing List
05 November 2015
The Unidata Program Center has created a new mailing list for the users of Python in the Unidata community: python-users. The focus of the new list is questions and discussion around the Siphon and MetPy projects, although other topics relevant to the use of Python are welcome. For more information, please visit our mailing list page and look under "python-users".
Posted by Ryan May
Comments [3]
Assistant Professor, SJSU Department of Meteorology and Climate Science
05 November 2015
The Department of Meteorology and Climate Science at
San José State University (SJSU) is seeking applicants for the
post of Assistant Professor with a specialization in
Western US weather as it relates to precipitation events,
together with impacts of climate change.
Applicants must have completed a PhD in Atmospheric Science
or a closely-related field by the start of the appointment.
Applicants should have awareness of and sensitivity to
educational goals of a multicultural population as might
have been gained in cross-cultural study, training, teaching
and other comparable experience.
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University of Toronto: Post-Doctoral Position in Arctic Atmospheric Research
05 November 2015
Applications are invited for a Post-Doctoral Fellowship
in Arctic Atmospheric Research affiliated with the Probing
the Atmosphere of the High Arctic (PAHA) project. Using
measurements from the Polar Environment Atmospheric Research
Laboratory (PEARL) at Eureka, Nunavut and measurements from
other sites around the Arctic and the rest of the globe, the
PAHA project is investigating the changing atmosphere of the
Canadian High Arctic.
The PAHA project has an opportunity for a post-doctoral fellow to
conduct satellite validation and intercomparison studies using the PEARL
dataset. Satellite validation establishes the accuracy and reliability
of satellite measurements through comparisons with well-characterized
data sets. Within PAHA, we are using this high Arctic data set for
validating current satellite missions focusing on trace gases and
aerosol properties.
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