![Daryl Herzmann](/community/desouza/img/2016_herzmann.jpg)
Daryl Herzmann of Iowa State University has been awarded the 2016 Russell L. DeSouza Award by the Unidata Users committee. The DeSouza Award honors “individuals whose energy, expertise, and active involvement enable the Unidata Program to better serve the geosciences.”
Among other activities, Herzmann administers the Iowa Environmental Mesonet website (http://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/), and provides a Local Data Manager (LDM) feed of the data to community members. He has been instrumental in mantaining a widely-used archive of case study data in GEMPAK and McIDAS AREA formats. In recent years, he has been an advocate for bringing Python-based workflows into the atmospheric science community; his presentation “Web Services & Python use for Meteorology” at the 2012 Unidata Users Workshop helped inspire efforts by Unidata Program Center developers to expand the use of Python in the community.
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