Version 1.3.0 of MetPy, a collection of tools in Python for
reading, visualizing, and performing calculations with weather data, has been released. The project aims to mesh well with the rest of the scientific Python ecosystem, including the Numpy, Scipy, and Matplotlib projects, adding functionality specific to meteorology. This release includes a variety of fixes and minor updates, including dropping support for Python 3.7.
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Welcome back to AWIPS Tips! This week we’re diving into another way to display data in CAVE. We’ve gone over some of the more standard ways – through menu items, the volume browser, and the product browser. Today we’ll discuss another option which is available to users: importing a shapefile. For those who aren’t familiar, GIS stands for Geographic Information Systems, and is the discipline of creating, managing, and analyzing geographically referenced data. These data can represent both vector and raster features on a globe, and can be stored in a number of different file types. In CAVE, there is the option to import shapefiles, which contain points, lines, or polygons with associated attributes for each record.
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