Thomas Martin
Thomas Martin joined Unidata on July 11, 2022 as an AI/ML software engineer. He is
currently finishing up a PhD in Geology at Colorado School of Mines, and has
previously completed a BS in geology from University of California, San Diego
and a MS in geophysics from Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Before his
PhD, he worked as a geophysicist working on geothermal, groundwater, and energy projects.
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Welcome back to AWIPS Tips! Today we would like to highlight the very first Unidata AWIPS summer intern. This summer, the AWIPS team was lucky enough to have Rhoen Fiutak join us for her Unidata internship. Her projects centered around AWIPS and had a focus on instructional design. She was able to make contributions to different aspects of python-awips, CAVE, and our very own AWIPS Tips series.
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