On Wed, May 24, 2017 at 1:16 PM, Justin Balbierer <jbalbier@xxxxxxxxx>
> I recently had the same issue on linux when compiling the NWS AWIPS build
> from source in eclipse.
> The issue I had encountered was CAVE couldn’t find the jep library, so I
> created a sym link of the jep library to the path defined in
> LD_LIBRARY_PATH. If you are using the Unidata build, the LD_LIBRARY_PATH
> for Python is defined and exported in "/etc/profile.d/awips2.sh" I believe.
> As root, I entered the command, "ln -s
> /awips2/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/jep/jep.so
> /awips2/python/lib/libjep.so” which created the sym link. I then changed
> the ownership of the sym link by entering the command, “chown -h
> awips:fxalpha /awips2/python/lib/libjep.so"
> Anyways, this fixed the issue for me, but again… I am running from source
> and using a different build.
For folks following this thread, the inclusion of Jep is not a problem for
the Unidata CAVE linux client (all env vars and files are in place
already), this problem exists with the current Windows and Mac clients.