Re: [awips2-users] Using full-disk full-resolution GOES-R NetCDF files from AWS

I've been trying with the L1b version of the files, and in goesr.xml I noticed 
one of the patterns had L2 in it. Should I switch to L2 for awips2?

On Tue, 2019-06-25 at 13:00 -0600, Michael James wrote:

For manual ingest with, the file can be anywhere on the server, 
though you have to specify the full path name. Yes you can delete the file 
after it is ingested with (always good to check the logs to 
confirm decoding).

On Tue, Jun 25, 2019 at 12:59 PM Devin Eyre 
<Devin.Eyre@xxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:Devin.Eyre@xxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
So the data file should not be in the /awips2 filesystem then for running Can I delete it from the temporary location right after running

On Tue, 2019-06-25 at 09:04 -0600, Michael James wrote:
You may want to increase the size of the LDM queue

regutil /queue/size -s 2500M

(this is something I'm adding for the next release).

And for scripted or manual ingest you can do it two ways:

  *   copy the file to /awips2/data_store/ingest/ to be picked up and its 
header or filename matched against the data distribution regular expressions.

  *   or run " <full_path_filename> <regex>" as in /data/ldm/satellite/GOES16_full_disk.nc4 OR_ABI

where OR_ABI is one of the definitions in 

On Tue, Jun 25, 2019 at 7:46 AM Justin Balbierer 
<jbalbier@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:jbalbier@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
Hi Devin,

As long as the distribution pattern is there, it should read the files without 

Try ingesting a file and see if the edex satellite log throws anything at you.


On Thu, Jun 20, 2019 at 8:14 PM Devin Eyre 
<Devin.Eyre@xxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:Devin.Eyre@xxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
Has anyone had any success with using the full-resolution full-disk
GOES-16 or GOES-17 imagery from AWS?  I tried doing it via ldm, and
because of the file size, it kills LDM every time one comes in.  I
could scp the files to the directory that pqact.conf has it set to
write to.  Would edex process the file, or is there another step
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