Re: [thredds] Thredds Opendap Service ascLimit and binLimit

Hi Derrick,

Thanks! That was it. I folded this fix into our 4.1 and 4.2 (dev) code
and just released it in TDS 4.1.8 at

We do have a public subversion repository. It is pretty new so hasn't
been well advertised. You can find information on it at

That page is focused on the development trunk. For the 4.1 branch, just
change "trunk" to "branch/RB-TDS-4.1".

Thanks again,


On 8/26/2010 2:00 AM, Derrick.Wong@xxxxxxxx wrote:
> Hi Ethan,
> I have downloaded the source for thredds (tdsSrc-4.1) and did a bit of 
> debugging.
> I had a look at thredds.servlet.ThreddsConfig and 
> thredds.server.opendap.OpendapServlet, and based on the documentation, I 
> believe that in thredds.server.opendap.OpendapServlet, the following 3 lines:
>     this.ascLimit = ThreddsConfig.getInt("ascLimit", ascLimit);
>     this.binLimit = ThreddsConfig.getInt("binLimit", binLimit);
>     this.odapVersionString = ThreddsConfig.get("serverVersion", 
> odapVersionString);
> should read:
>     this.ascLimit = ThreddsConfig.getInt("Opendap.ascLimit", ascLimit);
>     this.binLimit = ThreddsConfig.getInt("Opendap.binLimit", binLimit);
>     this.odapVersionString = ThreddsConfig.get("Opendap.serverVersion", 
> odapVersionString);
> I did a simple test in thredds.servlet.ThreddsConfig
>       rootElem.getChild("Opendap").getChild("ascLimit").getText() returns 
> what I have configured in ThreddsConfig.xml, which is exactly what private 
> static String getParam(String name) does.
> Please find attached the file which I have changed. I would have submitted a 
> patch but I couldn't find any repository to apply the patch to. (Didn't find 
> any links from
> As a result, I believe ThreadsConfig.xml isn't being read, and the default 
> values (defValue in thredds.servlet.ThreddsConfig.getInt() ) are being used. 
> Changes to these 3 lines allow me to properly "configure" my ascii and binary 
> limit.
> Regards,
> Derrick Wong 
> Software Engineer | ASRDC (Australian Spatial Research Data Commons) Project 

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