Hi all,
I was wondering if it's possible to configure THREDDS so that when you request
for the WMS GetCapabilities document,
the following details can be modified accordingly:
<ContactVoiceTelephone> </ContactVoiceTelephone>
I had a read here
and I have tried configuring a dataset in enhacnedCatalog.xml, adding the
following params:
<name vocabulary="DIF">Test</name>
<contact url="http://www.google.com/" email="derrick.wong@xxxxxxxx" />
<name vocabulary="DIF">Test</name>
<contact url="http://www.google.com/" email="derrick.wong@xxxxxxxx" />
But there seems to be no difference.
Could someone kindly assist?
I am currently running THREDDS Data Server [Version 4.1.20100520.1554 -
20100520.1554] on Tomcat 6, on Win XP PRO SP3
Thank you for your time.
Derrick Wong
Software Engineer | ASRDC (Australian Spatial Research Data Commons) Project |
Phone: +61 8 6436 8945
derrick.wong@xxxxxxxx | www.csiro.au
Address: ARRC (Australian Resources Research Centre), 26 Dick Perry Avenue,
Kensington WA 6151, Australia
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